Stay Healthy Throughout the Year with a Zo Healthy Chicken Soup Recipe · Audrey Zona | Integrative Health Coach

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Stay Healthy Throughout the Year with a Zo Healthy Chicken Soup Recipe

Zo Healthy Chicken Soup to Stay Healthy Throughout the Year

It’s important to stay healthy, now more than ever, right? Staying healthy and boosting your immune system is something I speak about daily. Nourishing your body with nutrient dense foods is part of that equation. Sure, we all love chicken soup when not feeling well … but what about eating it often? I must say this soup is my new “go-to” lunch since my dear friend Kerry shared her recipe with me a few months back. I made a few small adjustments (like adding riced cauliflower!) and I think you’re gonna love it! 

Make it a habit to nourish your body daily and it will help you stay healthy throughout the year.

When some of my clients first come to me they tell me they’re concerned that eating healthy will be hard work. I always assure them that yes, a little work is necessary … but not as hard as you might think! Planning ahead is key, so you won’t feel like you have to start from zero every Monday. One way to do this is to prep meals in advance because batching makes things efficient.

Choose things that are simple to make, but healthy. Things that will make meal prepping less stressful and less of a task which will make it more enjoyable. When you fall in love with your food, you’ll be more consistent at preparing things that are good for your body.

When you prepare ahead of time, you stay on track and eat clean.

And when you remove the stress of cooking, your mind will be more relaxed and your body and soul will be happier.

“So you could be eating the most healthy food in the universe, but if you aren’t eating under the optimum state of digestion and assimilation – which happens to be relaxation – you literally and metabolically are not receiving the full nutritional value of your meal.” – Institute for the Psychology Of Eating.

To get you started with falling in love with the food you prepare and eat, here’s a great recipe that I prepare for my family that is both delicious and good for you. This is an easy and yummy Chicken Soup recipe to prep and batch in advance too.


  • Organic roasted chicken cut up into large pieces
  • 2 Boxes of organic chicken stock
  • 1 large container of mirepoix (cut up carrot, celery and onion)
  • 4 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 bag of riced cauliflower
  • ½ bag of RightRice original flavor
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 lemons
  • Salt and pepper to taste!


  • In a large stock pot, sautee the mirepoix and garlic in a few Tablespoons of olive oil until wilted.
  • Add the 2 boxes of stock, cauliflower and RightRice and allow to cook for about 10 minutes.
  • Add in the cut up chicken .
  • In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and “temper” them by adding the hot broth, continuing to whisk. Add enough broth so that the eggs are warmed up well and then add them to the pot.
  • Cook a little longer, about 10 minutes and add the juice of 3 lemons and some lemon zest if desired. Add salt and pepper as needed.

Enjoy! And stay healthy throughout the year with this healthy chicken soup recipe.


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Here are Other Recipes that Help you Stay Healthy Throughout the Year


xoxo Audrey Zona

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