Spend a Day in My Life · Audrey Zona | Integrative Health Coach

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Spend a Day in My Life

Spend a Day in My Life


While no two days are the same, that’s what makes my job exciting. I embrace flexibility and avoid strict rules or an all-or-nothing mentality. Instead, I believe that accomplishing something is always better than nothing.

Whether it’s going for a walk instead of hitting the gym or using essential oils to connect with my higher power instead of a formal meditation session, I prioritize balance. Even those small steps forward are significant in achieving an overall balanced life!


6:30 am – Starting the Day Right
My day usually begins with enjoying a giant glass of water with a splash of lemon. Hydrating and invigorating, this simple act kickstarts my morning. I quickly get dressed in my workout attire, make my bed, and head downstairs to savor a cup of coffee.

I love to add The Goddess Prebiotic Powder from Tahini Goddess to my coffee every morning – it’s my secret weeapon! And, to give my skin that extra radiant glow from the inside out, I sometimes add collagen to the mix.

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7 am – Connecting with Loved Ones and Prioritizing Communication
I love taking this time to bond with Lola, my furry baby, and catch up on any urgent texts and emails. This quick check-in ensures that I address any important matters before diving into the day’s activities!


8-9 am – Sweating it Out
I always try to prioritize my physical well-being and head to the gym for an invigorating workout. Whether it’s pumping weights, cardio, or attending a group fitness class, this hour of exercise energizes me and sets the tone for the rest of the day. But even if I can’t make it to the gym, as long as I’m able to get at least a good walk in the neighborhood, or on my treadmill, that’s all that matters!


9:15 am – Fueling the Body with a Nourishing Breakfast
Following my workout, I always indulge in a delicious and nutritious breakfast. I prioritize 30+ grams of protein, healthy carbs, fiber, and fat. I always try to include some kind of probiotic rich food when possible!

9:30-10:30 am – Prepping for a Productive Day
After breakfast, it’s time to shower, do my skincare routine, apply my makeup, and get ready for work. Taking these moments to pamper myself enhances my confidence and prepares me for a day of empowering my clients!


10:30-12:30 pm – Meeting with Clients – Transforming Lives
I typically dedicate this time to meeting with clients. Whether in person or virtually, these sessions allow me to guide, support, and empower women on their wellness journey. 

12:30pm – Lunch Break!
At 12:30 pm, it’s my designated lunch break. This is the perfect time to refuel with a nutritious meal that replenishes my energy levels and keeps me focused for the rest of the day. I also make sure to drink my Amare Happy Juice cocktail – it’s how I keep the energy going throughout the day without a mid-afternoon cup of coffee!


1-5 pm – Afternoon Client Sessions – Prioritizing Self-Care
The rest of the afternoon is reserved for more client sessions from 1 pm to 5 pm. However, I always make it a point to take breaks in between to walk Lola, hop on the treadmill, or even make personal phone calls. It’s during these moments that I find balance and prioritize self-care, ensuring that I am mentally and physically rejuvenated. 

3:3o pm – Snack Time – Finding Serenity
Speaking of self care… When 3:30 pm rolls around, I like to take time for a healthy snack – refueling my body with some Pique Matcha Tea and a Healthy On-The-Go bar. (this is also when I lay on the floor – for those of you who know, you know!). 

I might even take a quick trip to the sauna. The heat provides a soothing respite and allows me to recharge in the easiest way possible. Prioritizing my wellness is key, and I seize any opportunity to incorporate it into my daily routine.

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5:30 pm – 8:30pm – Family and Well-Deserved Rest
As the workday winds down, I like to take time to shift the focus to my family. I cook up some dinner and then cherish quality time with my loved ones, watching TV, and simply unwinding. It’s the perfect way to recharge before winding down for bed.


9 pm – Rest and Rejuvenation
At 9 pm, I crawl into bed and snuggle under the covers . You’ll definitely find me asleep by 9:30-9:45pm! Prioritizing my 8 hours of sleep is a tremendous part of my day for my wellness.

An Important Note:
I just wanted to mention that fitting meditation or journaling into our busy schedules can be tough sometimes – trust me, I struggle with it too! But here’s something that really helps me: I take a few minutes before starting my workday to put on some essential oils and say a prayer. It keeps me connected to my higher power and helps me feel grounded.

Also, I want you to know that comparing yourself to other people’s schedules can be really overwhelming and make you wonder how they manage it all. But the thing is, you don’t have to do everything that everyone else is doing. The important thing is to feel inspired and find what works for YOU! Always make sure you’re doing something that brings you joy and resonates with your own unique path.

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xoxo Audrey Zona

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